Incisive Media Apps

ClickZ Intel 1.0
Hundreds of online and digital marketing whitepapers, presentations and webinars at your fingertips!The ClickZ Intel app is a resource library designed to provideusers with a quick and easy way of keeping ahead of developments inthe digital marketing industry. Topics include:Marketing StrategiesAnalytics & DataMobile & LocalVideoBusiness StrategiesEmail MarketingMedia BuyingSocial MediaSearch OptmizationHow To/101Powered by, the ClickZ Intel app allows you tosearch, download, and store content from our ever-growing databaseof resources. ClickZ Intel also notifies you when new content isavailable and allows you to save your selections to your own‘bookshelf’ for offline reading.
Professional Adviser Live 1.2.2830.2011
Professional Adviser is the market-leadinginformation source for financial advisers. The brand delivers aone-stop shop for professional investment advisers to keep them upto speed with regulatory changes, run an efficient business, andselect the best products for their clients.This app compliment's Professional Adviser's desktop site bydelivering the latest business-critical information to a smartphoneor tablet, ensuring users can keep one step ahead of thecompetition while they are heading to client meetings, travellingto and from the office, or away from their desk. Its content isrefreshed in real time, and can be accessed offline for amore-effective reading experience.
Workplace Savings & Benefits 1.1.0
Workplace, Savings and Benefits (WSB) isIncisive Media's latest integrated publishing and events businesswhich brings together employee benefit directors, human resourcedirectors and finance directors.Increase performance and reduce costsCompanies across the UK are facing ever increasing pressures. Thecurrent economic environment means they are having to keep tightcontrol of costs and workplace savings and benefits offerings areno exception.Yet, at the same time as firms are having to find more costefficient ways in which to reward their staff, the introduction ofauto-enrolment from 2012, which will force firms to enrol all theirstaff into a contributory pension scheme, is likely to be a hugedriver of both cost and change right across benefit offerings.It is against this backdrop that, after extensive research andconsultation, we found there was a need and appetite for a newcontent provider to help address some of these issues.WSB provides concise information and articles designed to help ourtarget market improve bottom line performance and reduce costs, getthe most out of its existing benefits spend and help it use itsbenefits strategy to more effectively recruit and retain staff.Workplace Savings and Benefits: a target audience of over 8000decision makersWorkplace Savings and Benefits offers those involved in designingtheir firms' benefit strategies a resource to help improve bottomline performance/reduce costs, get the most out of existingbenefits spend and help them more effectively recruit and retainstaff.It connects key benefit decision makers in firms with more than500 employees - or in smaller companies with large numbers of highnet-worth individuals, such as professional service firms - withemployee benefit providers.WSB recognises that many final benefit decisions are often madeby several key individuals - with finance, human resource andemployee benefit directors taking some responsibility fordecisions. WSB will target these key groups of decision makersacross the UK.
Inside Data Management 3.0.1560.2011
The Inside Data Management App provides allbreaking news, analysis and commentary from WatersTechnology’s twodata-focused brands, Inside Market Data and Inside ReferenceData.The content is relevant for all market and reference data industryprofessionals at banks, brokers, trading firms, asset managers andhedge funds, and at vendors, exchanges, inter-dealer brokers andindustry consultants.Our content is designed to support the competitive informationneeds of data and technology professionals in the capital marketsacross all asset classes and data functions - from licensing andadministration to high-performance data technologies.All the content from the app is also hosted and via weekly newsletters. The editorialteams also produce a series of tailored special reports, events andwebcasts.The app is free to download, and its content is free to anyonewith an existing annual subscription or corporate license to aWatersTechnology Data subscription or a WatersTechnology PremiumPackage: just log in with the same username and password you use toaccess the WatersTechnology website.
unquote" analysis 2.0.4053.1209
unquote" analysis is a magazine dedicated todelivering invaluable insight and in-depth analysis on the latesthot topics in the private equity industry.Our editorial and research teams are native speakers of the regionsthey cover, and are able to get to the very heart of their markets.They are well respected for their knowledge and insight, and assuch are regularly called on to comment on the state of theindustry.We don't just provide the latest news, but deliver comment,analysis, research statistics, charts and data that others simplycannot. Our reputation is such that we have access to the topplayers in the market, allowing us to gather their thoughts andopinions and deliver exclusive content that you won't find anywhereelse.unquote" analysis delivers:- 10 issues per year of feature-led editorial covering theEuropean private equity market- A wealth of information on European private equity deals, allsourced by the unquote" team so that you can be assured of theaccuracy of the data- Details of all private equity funds currently raising andinvesting in Europe- Forward thinking comment and analysis of the latest industryevents.The unquote" analysis app will ensure you stay informed on exactlywhat's happening in European private equity - you will be able toread unquote" analysis at a time and place that suits you and willget access to the information you need as soon as it’spublished.
AVCJ 2.0.2446.1209
AVCJ Group is the leading source ofinformation on private equity, venture capital and relatedactivities in Asia. A catalyst in the region, AVCJ has beenproviding editorial coverage, quality data and intelligent analysisto Asia's deal-making industry for more than 25 years.Within maturing, yet still fast growing and competitive regionalprivate equity and venture capital industry, AVCJ can provide theknowledge needed to make critical decisions in Asian private equityinvestments. Comprising a complete suite of information services,it provides in-depth analysis, real-time news and unique viewpointsfrom across the regions and markets in Asia Pacific, covering allfacets of private equity activity including:* Track activities and trends in fundraising, investments, exitsand capital under management* Learn of new mergers, acquisitions and business alliances* Assess the effects of global developments on a specific region orcountry* Swiftly and accurately identify potential businessopportunitiesIn addition, AVCJ helps fund managers promote their capabilitiesto senior-level professionals including institutional investors,general partners, investment banks and intermediaries.
Inside Reference Data 2.0.2446.1209
Inside Reference Data, the leading monthlyintelligence provider for senior level management in the globalreference data markets. It brings to you cutting edge reporting andincisive analysis on the latest issues that affects your industry -so you are always one step ahead.Inside Reference Data prides itself on giving its readerscutting-edge news and opinion on the key issues the industry isfacing, such as: Automation; Business Entity Data; CorporateActions; Counterparty Data; Evaluated prices; Enterprise DataManagement; Reference Data Technology; Regulation and Standards andRisk Management which can be accessed online, daily / monthly emailnewsletters, monthly print issue, special reports or now on androidapp.
Financial Director 2.0.1007.1209
Financial Director is the trusted voice forinsight and analysis among the UK’s business elite. Published since1985, the monthly magazine has been the preferred choice forboard-level financial decision makers.Financial Director is an independent voice dedicated todelivering opinion and analysis to the senior finance community. Wehave a reputation for delivering strong interviews and features aswell as several annual surveys.We have no ties or affiliations to any professional body, so ourcontent is genuinely independent and objective.Financial Director is also dedicated to the professionaldevelopment of finance directors, through advice on careers andmanagement, interviews with leading players and the best careeropportunities.
Investment Week Live 2.1.409.3525
Investment Week covers all aspects of theinvestment industry, including asset allocation, fund and productanalysis, regulation and economic issues. As the premierpublication for the investment industry, Investment Week is read bykey decision makers such as chief investment officers,multi-managers, investment gatekeepers and wealth managers.This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and analysis tokeep users up to speed on the latest changes to regulation andmarket practices, while being designed to optimise tablet andsmartphone functionality.Like the highly successful Investment Week website, this easy tonavigate app gets updated throughout the day, but also givescustomers the ability to view articles offline, save and sharefavourite stories, and customise the type of content theyreceive.
CRN Live 1.1.3065.3525
CRN prides itself on having the highestjournalistic integrity and in being the number one, high-qualitybrand for the IT channel sector. Start-ups, collapses, events,world news, and exclusive stories that tell you how well, or howbadly, your competitors are doing – it is all here.This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and analysis fromCRN to keep users up to speed on the latest changes in the market,while being designed to optimise tablet and smartphonefunctionality.Like the highly successful CRN website, this easy-to-navigateapp is updated throughout the day, but also gives readers theability to view articles offline, save and share favourite stories,and customise the type of content they receive.
Structured Products 2.1.3041.33
Structured Products provides news and analysison cutting-edge financial products and is the only informationsource dedicated to the wholesale market for derivatives-basedinvestment products. Structured Products covers the fast-growingmarket for guaranteed equity products, structured notes, indexproducts, regulatory data, alternative investments and funds offunds. It crosses equity, fixed income, commodity-linked and othersectors.Available via an annual subscription or as part of a corporatelicence to, this app will allow you to read StructuredProducts at a time and place that suits you as well as ensuring youget access to the information as soon as it’s published. If youhave any questions about the Structured Products app or asubscription then please call on +44 (0)20 7968 4618.
Hedge Funds Review 3.1.2789.3525
Hedge Funds Review is firmly established asthe leading information resource on the global hedge fund industry– it delivers unrivalled coverage of the market, with in-depthanalysis. Our reputation is such that we have access to the leadingplayers in the market – we speak to them in order to gather theirthoughts and opinions on the latest hot topics. This allows us toproduce journalism with a level of insight that you simply cannotfind anywhere else. Since its launch in 2000, hedge fund managers,investors and service providers alike have relied on Hedge FundsReview for its authoritative and objective view of the market. Asthe market-leading provider of information about the global hedgefund industry, it helps to inform their day-to-day business andinvestment decisions. The online site provides analytical andtechnical information, delivering a mixture of comment, opinion,strategic analysis, interviews and academic papers.Available via an annual subscription or as part of a corporatelicence to, this app will allow you to read Hedge FundsReview at a time and place that suits you as well as ensuring youget access to digital issues as soon as they are published, via theapp.Current subscribers with online access to Hedge Funds Review canreceive access to the app as part of their existingsubscription.
Computing Resources IT Library 0.9
Thousands of white papers from hundredsofvendors at your fingertips, including our expert selection.Computing Resources cuts through the huge volume of whitepapersavailable on the internet to bring you a clear,succinctrecommended reading list, chosen for the professional bytheindustry leading technology journalists of ComputingMagazine,across the following subjects:• Business Intelligence Software• Cloud Computing• Compliance• Data Security• Disaster Recovery• Server VirtualisationComputing Resources allows you to save your whitepaperselections to your own ‘bookshelf’ for offline reading.Powered, Computing Resources allows you to search,download,and store content from our constantly updated database ofwhitepapers, case studies, analyst reports and other usefulcontent.
COVER Live 2.0.529.3525
Cover keeps users up to speed on the latestchanges to regulation and market practices, while being designed tooptimise tablet and smartphone functionality.Like the highly successful Cover website, this easy to navigateapp gets updated throughout the day, but also gives customers theability to view content offline, save and share favourite stories,and customise the type of content they receive.
V3 Live 1.1.3646.2011
V3 provides technology professionals with 24/7news and analysis on everything to do with the informationtechnology industry. V3’s team of expert IT journalists providereal-time IT news and features alongside product reviews, softwaredownloads, video demos and blogs to a broad audience of ITspecialists and enthusiasts.This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and analysis from V3to keep users up-to-speed on the latest changes to the industry,while being designed to optimise tablet and smartphonefunctionality.Like the highly successful V3 website, this easy to navigate appgets updated throughout the day, but also gives customers theability to view articles offline, save and share favourite stories,and customise the type of content they receive.
Business Green 1.2.1044.2011
BusinessGreen's mission is to help enable thetransition to a low carbon economy by providing senior businessleaders, policy makers, and sustainability executives with theinformation and analysis they need to drive successful greeninitiatives.BusinessGreen provides up-to-the-minute business news andopinion on the green innovations and technologies that can helpfirms cut costs, reduce long term risks, and realise the commercialopportunities the low carbon economy offers.This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and analysis fromBusinessGreen to keep users up to speed on the latest changes toregulation and market practices, while being designed to optimisetablet and smartphone functionality.Like the highly successful BusinessGreen website, this easy tonavigate app gets updated throughout the day, but also givescustomers the ability to view articles offline, save and sharefavourite stories, and customise the type of content theyreceive.As the need for companies to assess and reduce their carbonfootprints and impact on the environment increases, so does theneed for a vital source that provides a hard-headed businessapproach to environmental issues. Considerations of environmentalresponsibility now impact everything from customer satisfaction tostaff retention, the award of contracts to stock market valuations– BusinessGreen helps companies compete in this fast-changingeconomy.
Computing Live 2.0.812.1531
Computing plays a vital role in providing ITleaders with industry-leading analysis and research which they useto shape their strategy, and decision-making. It is essentialreading for anyone involved with technology and business; not justas source of news, analysis and research, but as a place to discussand debate the latest issues affecting IT.This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and in depthcontent from Computing to keep readers abreast of the latest trendsand issues, while being optimised for your tablet andsmartphone.Like the Computing website, this easy-to-navigate app is constantlyupdated, and gives readers the ability to view articles offline,save and share favourite stories, and personalise the types ofcontent they see.
Professional Pensions Live 1.1.1044.2011
Offering unrivalled news and feature coverageof the key issues facing schemes and their sponsors, ProfessionalPensions hosts regular roundtable and panel debates providingin-depth analysis on a range of investment, administrative andlegal topics.This coverage is further enhanced by reports on major industrysectors such as property investment, specialist managers, localauthority schemes, group risk and consultants.Like the highly successful Professional Pensions website, this easyto navigate app gets updated throughout the day, but also givescustomers the ability to view articles offline, save and sharefavourite stories and customise the type of content theyreceive.
Insurance Post Live 1.2.2163.2011
Since 1840 Post has been offering everyinsurance professional news, insight, and analysis on the currentinsurance developments - covering a wide range of topics includingmergers and acquisitions, claims/legal developments, regulation,technological advances, emerging risks and senior staff moves. Eachtopic is broken down to ensure you gather as much intelligenceneeded to make those strategic decisions whether you work in theLondon/Lloyd’s or company market; for a broker, insurer or serviceprovider; in claims or underwriting; client facing or the backoffice.Like the highly successful website, the PostLive app features breaking news and updates throughout the day, butalso give users the ability to view articles offline, save andshare favourite stories, and customise the type of contentreceived.The easy-to-navigate Post Live app allows subscribers to accessall content at a time and place that suits as well as ensuringaccess to information as soon as it’s published.For any questions about the Post Live app or a subscription thenplease call on +44 (0)870 240 8859.** Subscription terms and conditions• A one-month subscription costs £49.99. Your account will becharged when you choose to purchase a subscription.• At the end of the one-month period, and unless you choose tocancel (see below), the subscription will renew. Your account willbe charged the renewal cost within 24 hours prior to the end of thecurrent subscription period.
Insurance Age Live 1.1.2163.2011
Insurance Age has been serving the UKregionalbroker community for over 30 years. Through exclusive newsstories,analysis, interviews and features it delivers themarketintelligence brokers need to improve their business.As a source of information platform for debate and championofthe broker market Insurance Age tackles topics rangingfromregulation and technology to people moves, product updatesandmuch, much more.With approaching 30,000 newsletter subscribers and nearly12,000Twitter followers Insurance Age is the place for the news,views,statistical analysis and reviews of all broker relatedmattersacross the country.Across blogs and opinion columns to hard-hitting interviewsandin-depth features Insurance Age welcomes comments from itsaudiencein print, in video, online and at its portfolio offree-to-attendbroker-exclusive events.Like the highly successful website, theLiveapp features breaking news and updates throughout the day ontopicsas diverse as insurer service, economic updates, schemesandprofitable niche markets.The app also give users the ability to view articlesoffline,save and share favourite stories, and customise the type ofcontentreceived.The easy-to-navigate app allows subscribers to access allcontentat a time and place that suits as well as ensuring accesstoinformation as soon as it’s published.For any questions about the Insurance Age app or asubscriptionthen please call on +44 (0)870 240 8859.
Insurance Risk 2.0.2446.1209
Insurance Risk delivers risk andcapitalmanagement intelligence to the general insuranceindustry.Insurance Risk is the only magazine and iPad app focusingon riskmanagement, capital finance and valuation for theinsuranceindustry. It focuses on the sophisticated riskmanagementtechniques the industry needs to embrace in response tothe ongoingchanges and challenges in the insurance industry andSolvencey 2.Insurance Risk takes pride in its superior editorialquality, eacharticle is written and researched by experienced andqualifiedjournalists who provide you with real added-value content.Insurance Risk is an extensive information resource keepingyouupdated daily online, twice-weekly via email alerts and monthlyinprint and our tablet app.Available via an annual subscription or as part of acorporatelicence to, this app will allow you to readInsurance Riskat a time and place that suits you as well asensuring you getaccess to the information as soon as it’spublished. If you haveany questions about the Insurance Risk app ora subscription thenplease call on +44 (0)20 7968 4618.
Insurance Hound 1.7.8
Hundreds of insurance white papers atyourfingertips, including our expert selection.Post Intelligence, brought to you in association withZurich,cuts through the huge volume of white papers available ontheinternet to bring you a clear, succinct recommended readinglist,chosen for the insurance professional by the industryleadingjournalists of Post Magazine, across the following subjectsandmore:Broker SupportBusiness ManagementPeople ManagementRisk ManagementUnderwritingPowered by, Post Intelligence allows youtosearch, download, and store content from our constantlyupdateddatabase of white papers, videos, case studies, analystreports andother useful content. Post Intelligence also allows youto saveyour white paper selections to your own ‘bookshelf’ forofflinereading.
Pensions and Benefits UK 2019 1.0.0
London's Largest Pensions & Benefits Conference&Exhibition: Pensions and Benefits UK 2019 Welcome to PensionsandBenefits UK 2019, this year we will be celebrating 20 yearsofbringing you the latest developments in the pension andbenefitsmarket. PBUK presents the perfect opportunity to shareindustrythought leadership and connect with over 900like-mindedprofessionals. Through in-depth discussions, debates andbreakfastbriefings led by over 100 expert speakers, PBUK hopes toarm youwith the information and insight you need to developpracticalsolutions to the on-going challenges you face. PBUK offersfourparallel streams so you can ‘pick and mix' from a selectionofinspirational keynotes, thought provoking workshops andawardwinning case studies to create the perfect conference for you.Wehope you can join us for this exciting two day event in theheartof the city of London. Connecting over 900 like-mindedPeopleEnabling the exchange of ideas and facilitating the Growthofinnovation